LÜFTEN Mouson Arts & Music Festival, Frankfurt

22nd – 24th June 2012. The Caravan Gallery’s German debut exhibition featured classic images from the ’Is Britain Great?’ archive. Pfaffenwiese 301,…

22nd Jun 2012 0

Kunst & Zwalm, Belgium

27th August – 11th September 2011. Festival of contemporary art in the Flemish landscape. Kunst & Zwalm website.

27th Aug 2011 0

Look/11 International Photography Festival, Liverpool

18th June – 19th June 2011. A day in Lark Lane exhibiting photos of Liverpool and, rather unusually, a People’s Map of…

18th Jun 2011 0

‘Nice Cuppa Tea’, South Kilburn, London

26th March 2011. An Empty Shops Network project supported by South Kilburn Neighbourhood Trust. Made in South Kilburn article. Peel Precinct, outside…

26th Mar 2011 0

Focus on Imaging (with Panasonic), Birmingham

6th March 2011 – 9th March 2011. The Caravan Gallery had pride of place on the Panasonic stand with an exhibition of…

6th Mar 2011 0

Fringe Arts Bath (FAB2010) & Widcombe Rising, Bath

12th June – 13th June 2010. Abbey Square and Widcombe Rising, Bath. A festival on the streets of Widcombe organised by the…

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