Huntly Pride of Place Project

15th July – 11th August 2013.
The Town was the venue! Deveron Arts Residency, Huntly, Aberdeenshire.
A project recording the ordinary and extraordinary details of everyday life in Huntly.

Huntly-tractor-mugs   Huntly-Sky   Huntly-PoP   Hunlty-Deveron-Paddle

The Caravan Gallery was situated in the town Square where observational photographs capturing an alternative view of the town were exhibited. The people of Huntly were invited to celebrate the quirks of their town – their place. Visitors were asked to mark places of personal interest onto a large map of the town. The results included places good for ‘amorous liaisons’ and problem areas for dog fouling. The Caravan Gallery also hosted an exhibition of ‘local souvenirs’ which included River Deveron water, Huntly harling and sheep’s wool.

The Huntly Pride of Place Project survey was on hand for people to answer questions such as ‘What attractions or hidden treasures would you show visitors?’, ‘What slogan would you put on a ‘Welcome to Huntly’ sign?’ and ‘What pictures would you put on a postcard of Huntly?’.

The residency culminated in a Room to Roam Festival on the final weekend.




This book commemorates the month long participatory exhibition during the glorious summer of 2013, where we set out to create an evolving exhibition and alternative visitor information centre dedicated to exploring the unique character of Huntly.

£6.00 – available now from our online shop.